my work has developed an explicitly spatialized, scale-attuned analysis of modern statehood. In this conception—which is elaborated most systematically in Ch. 3 of my book, New State Spaces—state spaces are viewed as the presuppositions, arenas and outcomes of historically specific political strategies.不過,剛剛看到他的學歷:
State space is thus not a fixed platform or container for political life, but a constitutive dimension of regulatory processes that is continually transformed through ongoing sociopolitical experimentation and contestation.
Ph.D. 1999 (Political Science), University of Chicago; M.A. 1996 (Geography), University of California (Los Angeles); M.A. 1993 (Political Science), University of Chicago; B.A. 1991 (Philosophy), Yale University.嗯,三年就拿到博士學位?啊。。。