and urbanization




詹宏志在《城市人》一書中曾經提及我們可以從便利商店開店速度(還是ATM?)來觀察城市經濟與空間的變化,而如今,網拍所帶來的改變, 似乎也方興未艾啊。

最近看到一些研究在談「社會網絡網站」(social network sites)與都市化之間的關係,嗯,那雅拍也可以作為一種社會網絡網站嗎?

  • apophenia: social network sites: my definition

    11/11 22:18, 2006

    引述 :『A "social network site" is a category of websites with profiles, semi-persistent public commentary on the profile, and a traversable publicly articulated social network displayed in relation to the profile.』


  • Edge Perspectives with John Hagel: Social Networks and Urbanization

    11/03 08:48, 2006

    引述 :『When you reflect on the three functions of social network sites described above – connection, creation and collaboration – it is useful to keep in mind the key insights of urban champions from Alfred Marshall to Jane Jacobs regarding the unparalleled ability of cities to create and nurture dense and productive networks of social relationships. These social relationships span significant edges – age, culture and vocational – just to name a few. The relevant edges are no longer on rural frontiers; they are deep in our urban fabric.』
