
自從我開始習慣每天聽podcast以後,就開始不由自主的嫉妒iPod使用者。看看Jerry,可以跟iTune同步更新節目的iPod多方便阿!而我,雖然也是使用iTune來管理音樂並訂閱podcast(因為iRiver Plus程式寫的奇爛無比,更別期望支援podcast了),可是每次都得自己用『複製+貼上』的方式來更新節目。



比方說,這篇文章就詳細解說如何透過寫一些簡單的小程式,讓H10在不使用iRiver Plus的情況下可以自動同步更新歌曲。不過,這功能對我來說不太實用,因為我的H10不過6G大,要是一有新歌就更新的話,容量一下子就滿了。

1) Download iPodder from http://ipodder.sourceforge.net/index.php
2) Install iPodder (lets you browse and subscribe to Podcasts)
3) After successfull installation, fire up ipodder and go to File---> Preferences
and choose a location on your hd to store your podcasts in "Download podcasts into this folder" this is your "[source]" (see later)
4) Connect your iriver to your computer.
5) Go to the root of your iriver drive and right click---> Create New-->Text Document.
6) Double click on the file and Notepad should pop up. Type the following:


7) Save the file as "autorun.inf"
8)File --->New
9) Now type "xcopy [source] [destination] /s /d"
Where source is your earlier source and destination is where you want your files to go. my one looks like this: "xcopy G:\podcasts H:\MUSIC\Podcasts\ /s /d" (You have to create the destination directory) (/d ensures only the latest podcasts go on you iriver)
10) Save this new file at "autorun.bat" and save into the root of the iriver.


在同一個論壇裡面還有提到怎麼同步更新RSS feeds,過幾天再來研究。


豬小草 said…
突然想到,不知道有沒有可能用同樣的DOS語言做到RSS的同步更新。不過,前提是我要先找出來OPERA到底把RSS FEED存在那個檔案裡(如果他有下載下來的話)。