
Bill Emmott,這位前經濟學人主編,1989年因出版《The Sun Also Sets: Why Japan Will Not Be Number One》一書而在日本聲名大噪,去年則在經濟學人對日本的調查報告,〈The sun also rises〉,中認為日本經濟已經開始復甦,並且質變。

Japan has been going through a long wave of incremental reforms, which together have changed politics, the economy and financial markets far more than most people realise, promising the country a bright long-term future.
但是, 這變化卻還要與周邊國家,尤其是中國,有好的合作 日本與周邊國家之間的關係,也得納入考慮:
If conflict—diplomatic or military—is to be avoided, Japan needs to become stronger, but also to foster other Asian alliances, perhaps through European-style regional institutions. To its Asian neighbours, the Chinese hare is impressive but also worrying. A Japan that showed itself to be a steady, prosperous and reliable tortoise would be an appealing counterweight.
兩個月前,Bill Emmott到美國德州奧司汀大學給了一場演講,講題是「The Sun Also Rises: How a Recovering Japan Could Change Asia」,內容就是在談經濟學人去年作的那個調查報告。

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