- 引述 :『這些大老們的政商關係良好,卻不極力突破這些握有節點的組織與機構來尋求更大的出口,反倒是自己莫名其妙的規劃出一個大家都不知道該怎麼劃分的「台灣網路環境」出來。事實上根本沒有所謂的「台灣網路環境」可言啊!甚至中國大陸在有 Great FireWall (GFW)的封鎖底下都無法區畫出一個範圍稱其是「中國網絡」!除非今天有人走進中華電信對外連線的機房把網路插頭拔掉,讓在中華電信之後的網站變成台灣的 VPN 網路,才叫「台灣網路環境」(譬喻法,國際網路當然不是這樣連結的),不然這個世界上終究只有一個網路,叫做「全球網路」;怎麼壟斷?』
- 引述 :『In fact most of what we anthropologists talk about when we talk about ‘scale making’ is not an investigation of regional or global processes. We do not attempt to discern how many places we will have to travel to to examine these processes. Instead we talk about how people in the localities that we do our fieldwork ‘make scale’.』
- 引述 :『A better target is James C. Scott’s “Seeing Like A State” which attributes the faculty of vision to an entity which, strictly speaking, lacks eyes. Although the complex processes by which local people are ‘made legible’ is demonstrated, the process by which ‘The State’ itself is made a feasible actor (there’s the word from the previous entry—feasible) is rarely touched on. We have no account of the middlemen who make up ‘the State’.』
- 引述 :『At root, ‘spatializing the state’ refers to metaphors for space used by people to describe the state’s relationship to its subjects. Thus the state is ‘above’ the people, it’s agents are ‘everywhere’ watching you, and so forth. These metaphors, when taken as texts which orient people to action, enable the coordination of action across time and space and produce congeries of behavior that eventually are attributed to a ‘state’ in whose name all of this action is attributed. Thus we might want to talk about the two related by distinct meanings of how ‘spatialization’—on the one hand a very familiar symbolic-anthropological (Fernandez or even Geertz) notion that there is a ‘metaphorical space’ of images of the state which can be described and explored on the one hand, and on the other an analysis of action across space carried out in the name of, or at the bequest of, ‘the state.’ The second, clearly, is related by the first』