Martin Wolf四月初寫了一篇文章評論南韓與美國之間的FTA(全文在此),並且認為對比於WTO在Doha談判上的失敗,這股FTA風潮根本是捨本逐末。他的說法是:
適巧剛剛發現這集的University Channel Podcast就是在談美國貿易政策在新政治氛圍下的轉變,就把這兩個先擺在一起聽聽。
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Why do I object? Is such trade liberalisation not precisely what most economists interested in trade believe in? The answer to this question is “yes and no”: yes, because liberal trade is desirable, but no, because this form of liberalisation is not necessarily a move towards liberal trade. As Jagdish Bhagwati of Columbia University has argued, “free trade agreements” should, instead, be called “preferential trade agreements”. I would prefer “discriminatory trade agreements”.這篇文章引起正、反不同意見。
適巧剛剛發現這集的University Channel Podcast就是在談美國貿易政策在新政治氛圍下的轉變,就把這兩個先擺在一起聽聽。
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「 America's fear of China」,可以跟這個研講參在一起看。