昨天在若水堂順手翻閱Richard Florida的The Flight of Creative Class翻譯本。本來以為這本書有提出什麼新觀點,看完後才知道這本書應該算做他總結與回應The Rise of the Creative Class一書所引起的討論。有趣的是,由於這本書旨在警告美國在全球人才競爭中出現危機,所以導言的部份讀起來還頗有李斯那篇諫逐客令的味道。
Unfortunately, even the core data Florida uses to prove his thesis explain less than he claims. To show that America's predominance is threatened, he constructs an index of the world's creative classes based on occupations that involve creative thinking. There are up to 150 million such workers in the 39 countries for which he can find reliable data. The U.S. still has the greatest number, with more than 30 million, and the greatest share of the total, at about 20%. But if you take such workers as a share of each country's own workforce, the U.S. ranks only 11th out of 39. "Far from being the world leader, we are not even in the top five," warns Florida.
但這似乎不是致力於建立Global Creative Index的RF會想停下來處理的。
當然,另一個RF不會關心的問題是城市政府(或者,都市政權?)在吸引人才流入時所採取的政策傾斜、預算排擠,會引發或掩藏那些社會問題。這部份,Jamie Peck有專文討論。