
這集的Smart City Radio談到一本有趣的書:《Pedaling Revolution: How Cyclists Are Changing American Cities》

作者Jeff Mapes波特蘭居民,政治線記者)橫跨歐美大陸,深入阿姆斯特丹、巴黎、紐約、芝加哥、波特蘭,以及加州的Davis, Calif,比較這些城市的自行車騎士以及政府的自行車政策如何改變了都市。甚至,從芝加哥與波特蘭的經驗來看,自行車政策已經變成一個政治行動,而自行車騎士更宣稱他們在都市交通地景中有其應得的權力。


For the young "creative class" that cities are fighting to attract, bicycles are a cheap, hip way to get around town. That's why Louisville — not exactly a beacon of the counterculture — has made a determined effort to become friendly to bicycling. The city's mayor sees it as a good way to attract those young people who will power the economy decades from now.
Toward the end of the book, Mapes gets into debates over bike lanes (are they ­really safer?), safety rules (should cyclists have to obey stop signs?) and traffic ideologies (should cyclists claim a full space in a lane, or stick to the edge of the road?) that only an obsessive or an advocate (hello!) is likely to be interested in.


豬小草 said…