
Time的亞洲版這星期做了一個香港專題,Hong Kong's Future: Sunshine, with Clouds,主要在探討香港自1997年回歸後的一些轉變,以及對香港未來的展望。當然,這個未來,是與中國緊緊綁在一起的。而文章的第三段就問了一組關鍵的問題:
Is Hong Kong a model for China, or a threat? Is Hong Kong changing China, or China changing Hong Kong? Should Hong Kong become more Chinese or more international?
這個問題,由來自中國的香港城市大學中文系客座教授,張隆溪(Zhang Longxi)教授回答,就會得到:
Hong Kongers have no problem being culturally Chinese, but because of their history, many of them still see themselves as Hong Kong Chinese first, differentiated from mainland Chinese. That is Hong Kong's strength, and weakness.
Hong Kong is still regarded as a special place of China, still regarded as a foreign country. Hong Kong has returned in name, but not in substance.

Hong Kong must also think about its economic future. Being a part of a booming China almost guarantees that it will stay prosperous. But the mainland is a competitor as well as a partner. China's new ports siphon trade away from the SAR, and its lower labor costs siphon away jobs, previously in manufacturing, now in services.

As China continues to relax investment rules and become more business friendly, more and more companies may opt to operate directly in the mainland rather than out of Hong Kong.
瞧,這就是門戶城市與經濟內地的緊張關係哩。又,話說我在看Time這25頁專題報導時,腦海裡一直浮現的卻是呂大樂跟趙永佳在四年前的論文:Hong Kong Becoming a Chinese Global City。而一些相關的研究可以拿這篇文章當起點。
