我不知道近來在美國的Emerging Church Movement(新興教會運動,ECM)是否也源於類似的情境,不過在聽Scot McKnight,這位JESUS CREED部落格主持人、Emerging Church旗手的訪談時,的確是有這樣的感覺。
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我不知道近來在美國的Emerging Church Movement(新興教會運動,ECM)是否也源於類似的情境,不過在聽Scot McKnight,這位JESUS CREED部落格主持人、Emerging Church旗手的訪談時,的確是有這樣的感覺。
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- Q:「該怎麼看ECM?是教會還是運動?關乎神學嗎?」
A:「與教會無關,該視為一種(文化)運動,而且沒有涉入神學的討論。」 - Q:「這跟鉅型教會(Mega Church)有何不同?」
A:「相對而言,鉅型教會還是建立在主任牧師的傳講與個人魅力上,而ECM卻不是;而且,他們不會去追求『大』這件事。」 - Q:「為什麼這不會在教會中發生時?」
- First, the Emergent Church movement must be evaluated as to its reading of contemporary culture. Most of its pleas for reform are tightly tied to its understandings of postmodernism. The difficulty of the task (granted the plethora of approaches to postmodernism) cannot exempt us from making an attempt.
- Second, as readers will have already observed from this short survey, the appeals to Scripture in the Emerging Church literature are generally of two kinds. On the one hand, some Emergent church leaders claim that changing times demand that fresh questions be asked of Scripture, and then fresh answers will be heard. What was an appropriate use of Scripture under modernism is no longer an appropriate use of Scripture under postmodernism. On this gentler reading of Evangelicalism’s history, traditional evangelicals are not accused of being deeply mistaken for their own times, but of being rather out of date now, not least in their handling of the Bible. On the other hand, the Emergent Church’s critique of modernism, and of the Evangelicalism that modernism has produced, is sometimes (not always) so bitter that Evangelicalism’s handling of Scripture can be mocked in stinging terms. This is not meant to imply that this is true of all emerging pastors.
- Third, granted that the Emergent Church movement is driven by its perception of widespread cultural changes, its own proposals for the way ahead must be assessed for their biblical fidelity. In other words, we must not only try to evaluate the accuracy of the Emergent Church’s cultural analysis, but also the extent to which its proposals spring from, or can at least be squared with, the Scriptures. To put the matter differently: Is there at least some danger that what is being advocated is not so much a new kind of Christian in a new Emergent Church, but a church that is so submerging itself in the culture that it risks hopeless compromise?
Scott McKnight在Christianity Today寫過一篇Five Strems of Emerging Church,不知為什麼沒有貼在他的部落格上
Emerging Church的宗師是Brian McLaren, 校園出了他的頭兩本著作"新品種基督徒"跟"教會大變身",在台灣沒什麼迴響
目前在美國由John Piper颳起的"新改革宗"風潮也吹不起台灣這池春水.目前看來還是小組於靈恩主導的趨勢...
至於為何當時沒有細讀?一方面是因為那時候還沒聽過Emerging Church這件事,二方面是因為我對教會談「後現代」的方法持保留態度。
Missional Community...I like this idea.
Brian McLaren is one of the leaders in the ECM. However he is one of those least accepted by the Evangelicals because he reckons the dead and resurrection of Jesus Christ is not the only way to salvation.
However, please note that not all emerging churches are like the Emergent Village (founded by Brian McLaren). He is the far right of the various forms of emerging. There are other ECM writers such as Kimball, Gibbs, and Driscoll are more readable.
This article is highly recommended if you are interested in finding out more about ECM.
Driscoll, M 2006 ‘A pastoral perspective on the emerging church,’ in Criswell Theological Review, 3(2):87-93.