my kid|滯留‧奔波












老實講,如果可能的話,我還是希望能夠在高雄找到合適的保母,好讓露娘能夠一邊牧會、一邊照顧Lulu。畢竟 「家」只有一個,成長只有一次。至於那些喜歡把Lulu留在台北的人啊,不要跟我說什麼帶著小孩沒辦法專心牧會,你自己先專心聚會吧。


Anonymous said…



豬小草 said…


Anonymous said…
豬小草 said…

theCarol said…

Anonymous said…
豬小草 said…
Anonymous said…
I hope you don't mind if I comment in English. I have been very interested to hear about your articles through my wife - "Bell".
I'm a minister of the United Reformed Church (UK) but now living in Tainan - doing something very different - teaching English in a cram school. That’s another story!

When I began my ministry it was in the Church of Bangladesh (through CWM). One of my clearest memories is of being told off by the Bishop because he had received complaints from members of the congregation about my two year old son joining me at the pulpit when I was preaching. I ignored the complaint and have treated such complaints with contempt ever since. In England I had to deal with troublesome adults who nearly turned several young families away from the church by their attitudes. They would mutter "quietly" from the pew behind about "parents who couldn't control their children". It always got back to me because I was the one who encouraged the families to come.
Don't worry about these people - just remind them and the whole church that Jesus had the same problem as you do - the disciples even tried to stop the children from getting in the way until he rebuked them too. It shows the problem was there even before the church started.

As for the unrealistic expectations of the congregation concerning the free employment of spouses in the ministry – don’t they see that the world has changed a bit? However I do think it is for the ministers to be a little more proactive to help people understand. What would they expect the minister to advise if a family was having problems with children while the parents were not giving them enough of their time? Surely the best advice would be that the parents should free up more time for the family. You could find plenty of support for this in the Bible – do I have to quote verses? And if that is the advice to give to church members then surely it applies to ministers families even more because they have to give an example. Giving more time may mean for others that they change jobs. Surely the church has the responsibility to be a good employer that cares for the wellbeing of its employees and their families.

I suspect that some of the attitudes of church members stem from past church culture including unfortunately the pious ideas of missionaries who gave their lives for the gospel (And often sacrificed their families for it too!) Sorry about that – I hope I was never that kind of missionary.

I hope these comments are some help to you and your wife. Maybe we should meet sometime if you are ever together here in Tainan.
Anonymous said…
豬小草 said…

Many thanks for your comment; it's really helpful. Luluma and I are just starting our missionary life, there are a lot of things we need to learn and we welcome all the advices from ppl like you.

BTW, we used to live in Lancaster, UK for one year, and it's amacing to know you and Bell. It would be great if we can have a lunch or dinner when we visit Tainan (I was born in there). I will leave the message on Bell's blog.




see u
Anonymous said…
Hi again
Yes, it would be great to see you next time you come to Tainan - or if we are in Taipei or Kaohsiung.
You're welcome to any advice you think I can give. Though it comes mostly from another culture where the church may be in a very different situation. But I think it was a matter of survival in the ministry for me at the time. When we agree to serve the church we all want to give our best but there have to be limits. One of the most important things for ministerial survival is learning to say "No" - and to say it loudly enough for people to hear!